Thursday, April 21, 2011

We like to watch you laughing

Well the long weekend is upon us!
And I got a nice little surprise text today, my niece and nephew (along with my sister too of course) are on the road here from BC! 

I am very excited, love those two little ones.  Amazing I haven't actually written about them yet.  My little Lizzie Monster and Jack Attack as I call them. They can always brighten up the worst of days. Infectious little laughs they have. Lizzie is four now and Jack is two.  Every time I see them it amazes me how much they have grown and continue to grow. Feels like just yesterday that Lizzie was a tiny little baby (wow did I just say that,  isn't that what all the old timers say? Dang that makes me feel old and then some...) Suppose that's just how it goes eh? Needless to say I am so very happy to have a Niece and Nephew and one more on the way come September!  It's great I get all the enjoyment out of kids but none of the well major responsibilities life as an Uncle is great! Plus the amount of love little kids give is unreal and so unconditional its quite an amazing feeling! 

This weekend is gonna be a gooder for sure! Hitting up West Ed Amusment park, haven't done that in years! I don't even remember the last time I was on a rollercoaster they are such a rush! And well me being me I love rushes, this summer sky diving is on the list for sure! 

Now just to finish off work for the day already... Come on 5 o'clock! 

Until that time hits here are a few more pictures of these two kids who enrich my life so!

Ah Kids sure know how to Enjoi.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oooh Upgrade

Well figured it was high time the blog got a bit of a facelift. Lighten it up make it a lil more cheery. Better reflection of myself really. I mean yeah the old one did look cool, but I am not really a dark person. Well I think anyways haha. 

So here we are April 14th, in the midst of a snow storm. Oh Alberta how you never cease to disappoint. Bit of randomness here today as my distraction level from work rises and I want to head home. Only one more day then it's the weekend! *grin* (stole that) Have my Professional practice exam on Saturday, should be easy peasy. Then the Edmonton Autoshow is on. Always fun to go check that out! Hopefully soon here I will be providing you lovely readers with some more of the 58' Part's list is growing it seems but I am still getting excited! I cannot wait to drive it.

Oi look's as though I got some work I still gotta do. So I leave you all now.

Enjoi all this lovely snow... In April.