Well it is you know.
Didn't you get the memo?
Now see that right there some may perceive to be cocky. Which truthfully I suppose it could be. I am a very confident person. And as many may know, or may not know it can become a fine line. I never intend to be cocky that is for sure. But it will happen from time to time... No big deal.
My confidence wasn't always what it is today. Hard to believe but for a good portion of my life I had next to none... Shocking I know! Confidence in itself is an odd beast, not an easy one to figure out that is for sure. How is it some people have it and some don't? What have people done to gain their confidence or for that matter lack of confidence. These my good friends are questions I do not have an answer too. I would love to be able to write a guide to confidence and share it with the world. Maybe I could though. Hmmm not that I am lacking in the confidence of my abilities or anything haha. I can however shed some light on how I came to have such confidence.
In my younger years throughout school I was part of the "cool group" so to say. But at the same time I wasn't If that makes any sense. Which in turn left me with very little self worth or confidence. Friends often let me down, left me out you name it. Then something fantastic happened. I was lucky enough to get to go on student exchange and spend a year in Denmark that changed my life completely. Many factors play into how that year was so momentous in changing my life. But the number one reason was the people I met. All of them were so amazing treated me so well, with so much respect. It was truly amazing. Now that year was a major reason in my new found confidence. But it continued to grow after I returned. There was moments of course in which my confidence would dip. But never for long.
I have learned now that confidence should not be based on those around you and what they think of you. Which I believe is a big reason why people end up with low confidence. Always needing others to tell them or make them believe. And again why it is such a tricky topic to figure out. I am confident in myself and my abilities because I know who I am and what I am capable of. It has been a long road to figure out who I am, ups and downs and all that jazz. I recall a good friend of mine asking me how I can be so confident. And my answer was I just am. It is a choice to believe in myself. And that will grow on itself. All I do wish though for everyone out there is that they can learn who they are and be happy with themselves and gain the same type of confidence I have because it feels pretty awesome not gonna lie.
Always Enjoi.
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