Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Funk to Funky

Crusin the Dub 10'
Photo By - Me

Oh the blogging world, what an interesting thing you are. Here for me to spread my many thoughts with the world. And to date I have had some good deep thoughts and some trivial random ones as well. All of which I do hope you all enjoi, but that is not the reason behind why I blog. Why do I do it then you might be asking? It is simply an outlet, a means to get my thoughts out of my head... In all reality then I could by all means just keep a journal. But I do indeed like the idea that what I have in this head of mine goes somewhere that can be read, for those who want to read it of course. They may or may not like what I have to say and that is good I know not everyone will agree with me, I don't do my writings in the hopes that I will please people or make everyone happy. If I offend someone, well I will apologize but these writings are who I am and what I beleive so they aren't going to change any time soon. But of course feel free to comment, share your own thoughts on what I have to say - I do like to read and hear other peoples thoughts just as much as I like to share my own.

Anywho Like, dislike or impartial of me and my wonderous blog aside the next thing you may wonder is where the heck does he come up with this stuff? Well good readers I do indeed have a complex brain - yes you can argue it if you wish hahaha. But usually stuff just comes to me as I go on down that road of life. Normally inspired by many things, the people in my life, events that happen or of course the world of my car's and as well music - sometimes a song will come on and that will spark something. Music actually will always have an underlying tone to all of my writing, be it lines within the blog, or quite often I end up using lines as my titles that seem fitting as it is music is something I enjoi in my life. As well you may have noticed I like to toss in images with my writing, which quite often are pictures I have taken or pictures taken of me. Which to me reflect that of which I am writing in that moment, whether it be my mood or the topic itself I feel it helps to share well me I suppose!

So I shall continue to write and I hope you will all continue to read and who knows you may just learn something, or just sit there, shake your head and wish you could have that 5 minutes of your life back! I dunno only time shall tell!!! haha

And of course continue to Enjoi.

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