The White Stuff Cometh...
Finally it has arrived! Snow!!!!
Now some of you may be cursing me right now for that statement... But come on meow, we are Canadian. A solid 7 or 8 months of our year in spent with the lovely white stuff under our boots. We know it comes every year so why instead of complaining every fall be happy and embrace it... If you really hate it move. Nothing worse then hearing people complain year after year how cold it is, or all this snow and shoveling... Really people? How long have you lived here?
Ok enough venting because I am in a fantastic mood today. Just finished up some extreme ping pong. How can something like ping pong be extreme you ask? I will educate you in such an awesome creation.
Quite simple really, its ping pong mixed with racket ball, mixed with volleyball so to say. Serving remains the same, but that is where it all changes. instead of simply returning the serve you must volley the ball up to your partner for them to smash it back across. Which when such a smash occurs the ball ricochet's off of walls, window's couches, peoples faces... yes that has happened, it is good to wear glasses for safety reasons in extreme pong. And then you must return said ball. But to mix it up and throw your opponent for a loop you can simply do the traditional return instead of volley which is usually good for a point or two as your opponents freeze forgetting how to play classic ping pong and watch the ball float between them. It is an exciting game, somewhat dangerous, paddles flying, balls breaking you name it. But I highly recommend it to any one who enjoys a good game of Ping pong. You can thank me later.
This is one of many reasons why I love my job. And quite frankly my life. Just Enjoi.
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