Thursday, June 2, 2011

On the road again

It seems summer has finally arrived, looking forward to it so.  It looks to be a busy one and then some, work is going full tilt to the point of turning away work. Which equals lots of hours! Funny how it works, either your broke with time to do anything but can't afford to or you have the money but don't have the time. At least at this point in my life anyways.  So for now I will work, the more the better! I do love being busy at work, makes the days fly by for sure.  

Well I will work and work, until June - for then I have my first vacation in the last 3 years! About damn time if you ask me. Plan for said week and a half off, a road trip of epic proportions! Short little jaunt down to Washington - which reminds me I gotta get my passport! Damn thing expired... Oh 6 Years ago now. Number of us shall take the trek down to Seattle, from there we join a select few (word is could be 1000) other European car owners for a lovely little drive to the town of Leavenworth.  Spend a few days there, then it's back to BC visit family for a few days enjoy the mountains, do some mountain biking then back home.  Probably end up being a 4000km round trip by the time I am done. Good thing I love to drive!  

And now it's back to work I go! 

 As always - Enjoi.

Don't forget to breathe

Big White 2006'
Photo By: Me of course

Too often I have found myself rushing into things. To eager, to quickly to call "all in"... Actually amazing I won any poker games during college come to think of it! I mean...  I was busy doing assignments, studying for exam's and other things of that nature...

All kidding aside, which i frankly do a lot. I think it is good, never want to be to serious, as that saying goes you'll die.  Wait no, that's not right - Oh yes never get out alive!  

Now here I am 25 years old, and starting to realize to just breathe. Slow it all down and not be in such a rush. There is so much I have to look forward to in my life and the road ahead of me. I know it will be a good one and so I will just breathe. Take in each moment and experience as they come my way. Enjoying every bit of life, the simple and the complex, the good and the bad. Always remembering to smile and make the most of it all. Something of which all of us should learn and of course I am too still learning the finer intricacies of it all. Learning to slow myself down, live for the moment as it were. Just breathe, take it all in and go with the flow. Be happy with who I am and with my life. Which I will admit I am quite happy, but I will always be learning, growing and reminding myself to enjoi it all.

Enjoi every breath.